1.5 Network Connections & Use of Service & Facilities

  1. Demarcation Point. connectSCP Subscribers are connected to SCP’s network at a point of demarcation. The demarcation point is either outside or inside the premise and is typically the location where SCP’s network is terminated and grounded. Connection of new inside station wiring to the network shall only be made at the demarcation point. Connections of inside station wiring to the network, and any installation of Subscriber premise equipment, shall only be made at the demarcation point and shall be made in accordance with any applicable state or federal laws governing the installation and use of Subscriber premise equipment and wiring. It is the Subscriber’s responsibility to ensure its premise equipment and use of services company with any applicable federal or state laws, including but not limited to Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) rules, the National Electric Code, and Ohio rules and regulations.
  2. Use of Subscriber Service
    1. Service is furnished on retail basis for residential or business use only. Service accounts are assigned to Subscribers only, and the Subscriber(s) in whose name the account is established will be the account owner(s) for all purposes. Account owners shall be responsible for any and all use of the subscribed service. Subscribers will cooperate with connectSCP to prevent third parties from gaining unauthorized access to services via the Subscriber’s facilities.
    2. Services must be used in compliance with applicable Service Catalog, including all applicable Company Policies. Without limiting the preceding, Subscriber shall not use services for fraudulent, abusive, unlawful, or destructive purposes or in any manner that causes interference with connectSCP’s or another Subscriber’s use of connectSCP-provided network.
    3. Services may not be resold, except as authorized in a specific Service Contract signed by authorized representatives of both the permitted reseller and connectSCP.
  3. Connection of Subscriber Premise Equipment and Wiring
    1. Except when leased from, licensed from, or otherwise provided by connectSCP, all premise equipment and wiring after the demarcation point is the property and responsibility of the property owner.
    2. Subscribers may provide and install their own Subscriber premise equipment and wiring after the demarcation point so long as no electronic or physical harm is caused to connectSCP’s network. If connectSCP determines the Subscriber premise equipment and wiring is causing or is likely to cause interference or hazard to the network, connectSCP will take such action as it deems necessary for the protection of connectSCP’s network. After notification by connectSCP of such interference or hazard, the Subscriber must discontinue such use and disconnect such premise equipment and wiring. Failure of the Subscriber to conform to this requirement may result in suspension of service and all other remedies available in equity or law.
    3. Subscribers are not permitted to physically cut, improperly terminate, substantially alter, or otherwise destroy connectSCP’s owned premise equipment and wiring.
    4. connectSCP’s network is not represented as being adapted to the use of all Subscriber premise equipment and wiring. connectSCP shall not be responsible for: (a) the through transmission of signals generated by the Subscriber premise equipment or for the quality of or defects in, such transmission; or (b) the reception of signals by the Subscriber premise equipment.
    5. connectSCP shall not be responsible to the Subscriber if changes in criteria in these Terms and Conditions or changes in any of the facilities, operations, or procedures of connectSCP render any Subscriber premise equipment and wiring obsolete or requires modification of such equipment and wiring.
    6. Where connectSCP leases, licenses, or otherwise provides equipment, such equipment is provided to Subscriber for the term of service and solely for use in connection with lawfully receiving and using service. All such equipment remains the property of connectSCP. When Service is cancelled or disconnected, the Subscriber must return any such equipment to connectSCP during regular business hours, Monday through Friday (except holidays). The equipment must be returned to connectSCP in the same condition as installed or received, except for normal wear and tear. All such equipment must be returned to connectSCP’s business office, or an alternative location designated by connectSCP at the time of cancelation or disconnection. If a Subscriber fails to return equipment at the time of cancellation or disconnection of Service, the Subscriber may be liable to connectSCP for an equipment recovery fee as set forth in Part 3 of these Terms and Conditions.
    7. The Subscriber is responsible for the maintenance and safekeeping of all equipment placed in or on the Subscriber’s premises. connectSCP has no responsibility for replacing equipment destroyed or damaged by the Subscriber’s misuse, abuse, or neglect. In the event that any equipment provided by connectSCP is destroyed, damaged (ordinary wear and tear excepted), lost or stolen while in the Subscriber’s possession, the Subscriber may be liable to connectSCP for an equipment recovery fee as set forth in Part 3 of these Terms and Conditions.