Step 4: Consumer Responsibilities

If aid-to-construction payments are required, they must be paid before the construction of electric facilities is scheduled. There may be additional construction responsibilities that must be completed (e.g., tree trimming) before work is scheduled. Wiring specifications can be found in Brochures and Forms.

If you are doing the trenching, please follow the below procedures:

  • Contact the Operations Department a minimum of 24 hours before trenching to verify and coordinate the job
  • Contact OUPS (800) 362-2764 or call 811 48 hours before any digging
  • If trenching to a new pole, the pole must be set before trenching
  • If trenching to an existing pole or pad, the trench must go all the way to the pole or padmount
  • Current trenching specifications can be found in the Downloadable Documents box located in Brochures and Forms.

Once all requirements are satisfied, contact your nearest South Central Power office to schedule a crew to complete the installation of electric facilities.