Both surges and blinks can be the result of an issue with other utilities. In that event, our system is to designed to respond to those events, and we work with the other utility provider to get the issue resolved as quickly and as safely as possible to minimize problems for our members.
Blinks & Surges FAQ
Install surge protective devices (such as surge protector power strips) to safeguard sensitive electronics. If you’re experiencing frequent surges in your home or business and you believe the cause is internal, contact a qualified electrician to inspect your electrical system.
Surges are brief overvoltage spikes or disturbances of a power waveform that can damage electronics.
Most electronics are designed to handle small variations in voltage and disturbances in the power
waveform. Rarely, power surges can reach amplitudes high enough to damage equipment.
- Surges are most often caused by lightning strikes.
- Surges can sometimes be caused by internal sources, like HVAC systems, large motors and
compressors, welders, or problems with equipment connected to your service. - Very rarely, damage to utility equipment may also cause surges.
Brief service interruptions can be caused by damage from small animals or vegetation, like tree limbs,
making contact with a power line.
- Trees are the number one cause of these blinks.
- In 2019 alone, squirrels were responsible for more than 1,200 outages.
- Lightning can also cause blinks.
Why Does it Cause a Blink?
The blink is actually a breaker testing the power line to see if the damage was only there for a brief time
and the power can come back on. Blinks are good because it means the system is working as designed to prevent a longer outage. If your power blinks several times and stays out, it means the breaker tested
the damage and determined that a South Central Power Company line worker needs to repair the
Consider a Residential Surge Protection Device
Protect your home from surges with a Surge Safe™ SK Series surge protection device. Surge Safe is a high-quality, high-energy surge current diverting system designed to protect sensitive equipment from damaging transient voltage surges resulting from load switching, lightning strikes and more. Learn more.