Car Pole Accidents FAQ

What Should I Do if I am Involved in a Crash?

If you are involved in a crash:

  • Call 911. Tell anyone who approaches your car to stay away. Wait for trained professionals to tell
    you when it’s safe to leave your vehicle. Only leave the car if it’s on fire. In case of fire, exit
    safely. Never touch the vehicle and the ground at the same time. Instead, open the door, rotate
    your body until you are facing out, put both feet on the running board, hop out of the vehicle,
    landing both feet on the ground at the same time. Do not touch the car with your hands or arms
    as you jump. Keep your arms down by your side.
  • After you exit the vehicle, hop or shuffle to get away. Separating your feet can create two contact
    points with the ground and can result in a shock if the ground is energized by a fallen wire. Hop
    or shuffle away until you are at least 35 feet (about the length of a bus) from the vehicle and any
    downed power lines. When hopping, keep your feet together. Don't lift a foot to run or walk.
    When shuffling, keep both feet as close together as you can while sliding your feet in tiny steps.
    Never lift a foot from the ground.
  • If you’ve crashed into a utility pole and someone tries to offer you assistance, tell them to stay
    away. Shout if you have to – they are in danger, too! Tell them to stay at least 35 feet away from
    the crash site and downed wires. Tell them you’ve already called 911 and help is on the way.
  • If you see someone else who has hit a utility pole with a vehicle, do not approach the crash. If
    you’re in your own vehicle, stay in it. If you’re on foot, stay at least 35 feet away. Shout at others
    to remain in their vehicle for their own safety. Call 911 immediately. Don't wait to see if
    someone else has already called. If the occupants of the crashed vehicle begin to exit, shout at
    them to stay in the vehicle. Unless the car is on fire, they’ll be safe there until help arrives. If the
    crashed vehicle is on fire and you want to help from a distance: Stay at least 35 feet away from
    the crash and downed lines to keep out of an energized area.
What Should I Do if I See a Downed Wire?

If you see downed wires:

  • Stay at least 35 feet away from the downed wires. The ground or anything the lines are touching (branches, your car or your house for example) could be energized.
  • Do not drive over the downed lines or attempt to move them even with a stick or a broom. Keep
    pets and children away as well.
  • Call 911 and report the lines down to the cooperative on the app (where you can leave
    comments) or by calling (800) 282-5064.