Yes. Our qualified contractors are always looking for customers to accept wood chips.
Wood chips:
Are available to members on a first come, first serve basis at no charge
Can be delivered at your request
Will be delivered in areas the contractors are working in
Can be delivered in up to 12 cubic yards (3 to 4 pick-up truck loads)
The wood chips consist of multiple tree species, are irregular in shape and color, and can include some twigs and rakings. When requesting information, please specify a location for the wood chips to be dumped.
Your trees may not be actually touching the wires, at this time, but they could be close enough to sway into the lines in high winds. The electric line is bare mental, high voltage wire, which can cause burning and eventually degrade the quality of the wire.
Also all the trees on this feeder should be on the same approximate maintenance schedule. This improves reliability to everyone on the circuit and reduces the number of trips we have to make to maintain that reliability. The amount of time that it takes to restore power is also reduced. Pruning limbs before they cause a problem is ideal. By doing so, we can direct the growth away from the lines.
Residents can help South Central Power minimize tree-related outages and ensure the beauty of their landscapes through thoughtful planting of new trees. Trees should be planted at least as far away from the lines as the trees’ natural spread. Spreading trees, such as elms, oaks and maples, are common outage-causing culprits and should be planted at least 50 feet away from power lines.
Before planting trees on your property, the location of utility lines should be considered:
Are lines overhead or underground?
Never dig near underground utility lines
Future access to these underground lines should be considered when planting
You should never get near electric lines or use any kind of equipment close to a line. If tree branches have grown near power lines, you should contact South Central Power so they can schedule a utility forester to evaluate your trees.