Landlord Transfer Agreement Program

Owners of tenant properties must fill out the Landlord Transfer Agreement PDF form, then submit it to South Central Power using the online form below. No automatic transfers will occur until this form is submitted and approved.

Steps to submitting the form

  1. Download the Landlord Transfer Agreement (PDF)
  2. Download the Landlord Transfer Agreement – List of Properties (PDF)
  3. Complete the agreement and list all property addresses that should be included in the agreement
  4. Complete the form below and upload the completed agreement and list of properties

If you need to add additional pages for the list of properties to include all of your properties, please consolidate all pages into a single PDF document.

Have changes or need to cancel the Agreement?

Visit the Changes / Cancel Agreement page to download the correct form and upload online.


Agreement submission form

Authorized Account Representative(Required)
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.