By Alexis Butt, member service intern
Being prepared in the event of a disaster can be the deciding factor in safety for you and your family. September is preparedness month, and that is why South Central Power wants to remind families to prepare themselves for an emergency.
Prepping for a disaster can be easy. Here are a few ways you can be ready:
- Know your risks: Usually, specific areas are prone to certain types of disasters. Research to identify the disasters that may affect your area and prepare accordingly.
- Make a plan: Making some plans with your family on what to do for different occurrences can be a great way to prepare. Make sure to practice these plans so everyone knows exactly what the plan is and alleviate any confusion.
- Create a disaster kit: Having a pre-made disaster kit will save you from trying to gather extra essentials at the last minute. Try to gather enough materials to last 72 hours in the event of long-term need. Be sure to include a first aid kit, nonperishable food items, a gallon of water per household member, a flashlight (with extra batteries), blankets/sleeping bags to keep warm, a battery-operated radio, and a fully charged cell phone including a solar or car charger. If you have a pet, don’t forget supplies for them as well, including a leash/carrier, food, water, etc.
What should I do during the event?
The most important thing you can do is stay calm. Acting erratically or panicking can cause panic in others or a more dangerous situation. Think clearly and follow the plan you have previously outlined. Stay up to date with any information sent out regarding the disaster but be sure to conserve your battery if using your cell phone. If there is an outage, it might be difficult to know when the next time you will be able to charge will be.
What about afterwards?
After a disaster, stay away from all evacuated areas unless instructed otherwise. Be sure to stay away from any downed power lines, wires, or other dangerous electrical equipment. Stay alert for any widespread communications about pending danger as well. Even when it seems over, there may yet be more to come.
Where can I find out more information? and provide valuable insights to prepare you for disasters. You can also visit for information regarding outages or to report one.
From the September 2024 issue of Ohio Cooperative Living.