Disaster Readiness

Are You Disaster Ready?

Severe weather can strike at any time. Heavy snow and ice, strong winds, flooding, thunderstorms, and tornadoes all have the potential to close roads, take down power and telecommunication lines, and more. In the blink of an eye, we can find ourselves without the ability to cook, travel, keep cool or warm, or even access the basics like electricity and running water.

At South Central Power Company, we want to help you prepare for the possibility of a disaster and to help keep your family safe while emergency workers like your South Central Power line workers work around the clock to get your power restored. While we’re rebuilding our system, the right supplies help you can ride out the difficult hours and days in the wake of a disaster.

Flooding on street with cars.

Stay Ahead of the Storm

South Central sends disasater prep emails to advise members when we’re preparing for severe weather or other emergencies. Now, you can get tips on how to get ready at home, as well as track our power restoration response.

Be sure to sign up on My Account or the South Central app to automatically opt-in to receive our disaster response emails.

Be Prepared

Be in the Know

Be Safe