Stay Ahead of the Storm
South Central sends disasater prep emails to advise members when we’re preparing for severe weather or other emergencies. Now, you can get tips on how to get ready at home, as well as track our power restoration response.
Be sure to sign up on My Account or the South Central app to automatically opt-in to receive our disaster response emails.
Be Prepared
Be in the Know
Be Safe
Stay away from downed lines. Call 911 and South Central Power immediately if you spot a broken power line or pole.
If refrigerated or frozen food reaches 40 degrees or warmer, throw it out.
Never plug a generator into the circuit box. Doing so may result in serious injury to the line workers restoring your power. See more generator safety tips.
Avoid driving until road conditions are safe – vehicle accidents are often a cause of outages. For your safety, never walk or drive through flooded roadways as flood waters can be extremely dangerous.