Benefits of Fiber

What is Fiber Internet and Why is it Important

The digital divide refers to the gap between those who have access to modern information and communication technology via the internet, and those who do not. This divide can manifest in various forms, including access to hardware and software, internet connectivity, digital literacy, and the ability to use digital tools effectively. ConnectSCP is focused on addressing the internet connectivity elements of the digital divide by building a robust fiber network in unserved and underserved areas.

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Comparison of Why Fiber is a Better Value

ConnectSCP, a division of South Central Power Company, was created to provide high-speed, reliable internet connectivity via a 100% fiber optic network to the unserved and underserved members within our service area. This leading edge fiber technology performs much better than the traditional, older technology.

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Why Fiber is a Better Value

With DSL and satellite, you are spending money on outdated and unreliable technology and individual add-ons for services like streaming TV and home phone. connectSCP’s fiber internet provides better value with high-quality connections and saves you hundreds with superior speeds, performance, and reliability backed by local our customer service teams. Let’s compare!

Other Providers


Fiber Internet
500Mbps X 500Mbps


DSL or Satellite
50Mbps to 300Mbps X 10Mbps

$104 to $120/mo

Live TV

Youtube TV or Hulu
with MyBundle


Satellite Dish TV or
Cable TV

$94 to $104/mo


Home phone with Caller ID, Voice
Mail and Robo/Nuisance
Call Blocking.


Traditional Landline Phone




$244/mo to $270/mo

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