Solar Installers

Below is a list of companies that have worked with South Central Power Company in the past installing solar systems. South
Central Power does not promote any one company and are only providing a short list for your information. You may contact
and/or contract any company of your choosing.

American Dream Solar
4007 Bach-Buxton Road
Amelia, OH 45102
(513) 543-5645
American Dream Solar website

Appalachian Renewable Power Systems LTD (ARP)
10131 Haga Ridge Road
Stewart, OH 45778
(740) 277-8498
ARP Solar website

Ecohouse Solar
1809 O’Brien Road
Columbus, OH 43228
(614) 456-7641
Ecohouse Solar website

Icon Solar
50 West Techne Center Drive, Suite K
Milford, OH 45150
(513) 396-7777
Icon Solar website

14582 Montgomery Road
Fredericktown, OH 43109
(740) 504-9296
Mh3 Solar website

Modern Energy
6262 Eiterman Road
Dublin, OH 43016
(614) 526-9458
Modern Energy website

Ohio Power Solutions, LLC
3100 State Route 187
London, OH 43140
(740) 908-1040
Ohio Power Solutions website

Paradise Energy Solutions
525 Belden Pkwy NE
Sugarcreek, OH 44681
(330) 852-4194
Paradise Energy Solutions website

Kokosing Solar
762 West Union Street, Suite C
Athens, OH 45701
(740) 249-4533
Kokosing Solar website

1925 Street Clair NE, Suite 250
Cleveland, OH 44114
(216) 333-1364
YellowLite website