South Central Power offers the following convenient payment options.
Mail checks to:
South Central Power Company
PO Box 182058
Columbus, OH 43218-2058
Additional Services
Auto Pay
Payments are automatically taken from your bank account or credit/debit card on your payment due date. Sign up for Auto Payment Service online.
Electronic Bills
Stop getting paper bills and receive an e-mail when bills are ready to be viewed. View up to the past 12 months of bills. Make single payments or set up automatic payments. Sign in to your online account 24 hours a day.
Budget Billing
Eliminate big swings in your electric bills by signing up for South Central Power’s budget billing program. Eligible members — those who have 12 months of good pay history with South Central Power Company — may participate in the budget billing program.
The budget payment is recalculated each May and October using the last 12 months of your usage history. Your meter will be read monthly and your bills will show your actual energy costs, but you will be asked to pay only your budget payment amount.
Payment Arrangements
If you know you’re going to have trouble meeting your electric bill due date, our credit department may be able to work out payment arrangements on a past due account.
Please call (800) 282-5064 then press 1 for electric, then press 0 to speak to a representative. Don’t put it off. The sooner we know you’re experiencing difficulties, the sooner we can work with you to develop a payment arrangement.
Financial Assistance
South Central Power’s Financial Assistance Programs
Ohioans with low income may be eligible for financial assistance with energy bills.
Community Action (OACAA – Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies)
Local community action agencies offer a range of services and opportunities that include help with paying energy bills and weatherization services to reduce energy costs.
HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program)
Ohioans with low income may be eligible for financial assistance with energy bills through a federal program administered by the Ohio Development Services Agency. An application and more details can be found by visiting the agency’s website.
Veterans’ Assistance
Veterans Service Officers (VSO) provide financial assistance to veterans to help pay overdue utility bills, make mortgage and rent payments, and provide food. Each county has a VSO which can provide assistance four times in a 12-month period. Individuals may also check with local churches and affiliates in their area.